Saturday, October 30, 2010

Would like to terminate this blog, but maybe it will serve a purpose after all

Marie died last summer on the very day I sent out letters to 22 people, only one of whom answered.

Marie was beautiful to the end. It was so strange to watch the odd lack of support to her need for treatment. I wrote to Oprah and Michael Moore, the London Times, BBC, and all those very conscientious people.

It is possible they sensed the awful senselessness of it all, futility. Death is in my opinion a scheduled even from before birth.

Marie did say to me that she wasn't going anywhere. I do feel her presence often and am very uplifted by it when I let her in.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Potential Celebrity Donors

Here will be listed the donors sent letters requesting contributions and the suggested contributions.

The list will appear after the letters have been sent.

Declaration of Intent

This auction lives to raise the funding for the Cyber Knife treatments for Marie Cook, a beautiful young wife and mother of two young sons. Her UK insurance agent has refused the funding siting her a poor risk. Cyber Knife treatments cost 4,500Ls per "zap", 5 of which have been prescribed, thus the accumulated cost is a staggering 22,000Ls, no doubt the reason behind the refusal, rather than the stated lack of success of her 2 courses of chemo therapy. If wildly successful the auction may also pay for other unfunded cures as accupuntcure, herbology and Chinese medicine, as well as potentially raise enough to pay for a few other similarly stranded patients.

It was sad to learn that such callous decisions exist within the much lauded Brittish health system. We in the US are quite familiar with the heartlessness of insurance agents, but with luck the celebrity status of this event will raise awareness of such dubious practices happening in the UK.

Should the Brittish healthcare system be in dire financial straights, the call may arise to precipitate England to rearrange some of their national budget away from their lavishly funded military to benefit their well taxed public. Also very like the financial picture in the US.